Saturday, March 22, 2008

We Did It!

Spencer and I have a friend down here who is Catholic and she invited us to Ash Wednesday (February 6, 2008) this year. Apparently that is the day you begin Lent, where you give something up until Easter (46 days - yes I was counting) as a sacrifice for our Savior, Jesus Christ.

We thought it would be neat to participate in Lent this year. When I was thinking of something that would be a sacrifice for me to give up, sugar was always in the back of my mind, but I kept pushing the idea away because I didn't know if I seriously could give up sweets, candy, junk food, etc for 46 whole days.

Those of you who know me know this is a big challenge. Well, after trying to talk myself out of it, I decided to go for it. No junk food until Easter. I am not going to lie. It was TOUGH for me! In fact, it probably took a whole month before I got over my candy cravings. But, tomorrow is Easter, and I have already brushed my teeth for the night, so I guess it is safe to say WE DID IT!!!

Every time I wanted to give up, I just thought about how we were doing this for Jesus, and after all he has done for us, something as little as giving up junk food and candy for 6 weeks is nothing.

Now to touch on Easter. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and for His resurrection. We went to the Easter pageant at the Mesa Temple last night and it was amazing to watch a pageant focusing on the Savior and why we celebrate Easter. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ, for his life, example, sacrifice, and love for all of us. HAPPY EASTER.


Suzi said...

Wow, good for you guys! That is amazing, i am not sure i could do that! I am going to try next month though, so we will see. Hope you have a Happy Easter!!

Criscell said...

Wow! I'm so impressed! That would be so hard for me too. SOrry we missed sitting by you at the pageant. We couldn't find you! It was good, huh!

Jenny said...

I think that is a great idea-way to go! Sugar is a vice of mine as well...

kristine said...

Great job on the Lent sacrifice! You motivate me to try that. I'll have to get Jake to do it with me, otherwise I don't think I could last. Did Spence give sweets up too? P.S. How freakin' cute is Lance?!? And I love the picture of your mom doing DDR... go Joanna!

Melissa said...

Hi Katie and Spence! So fun to hear from you... Your little guy is adorable! I cant believe everyone is having babies (some x's 2.) Blogs are so great to keep in tounch. You guys are so fun and adventurous. Hope all is well.

Devin, Naomi and Spencer said...

Way to go, No junk food for 6 weeks! what an accomplishment.

Katie one question for you, How in the heck did you go hiking in yosemite with us when you were what 7 months pregnant. I'm at 29 weeks and thinking there is no way I'm hiking anything right now. your Amazing! I'm feeling great but lets just say my 1 hour aerobics class knocks me out for the night!

Oh I here we might be going to Tahiti! Can't wait

Love Naomi

Britters and Parx said...

HI Katie!!!!
How are you? I am so glad that you found our blog! YOu look like you guys are doing so well! How long have you been in Az? How long do you think you will stay there? I would LOVE to move outside of Utah for awhile. I am trying to convince my utah bound hubbie! I LOVE you Easter idea! I think I'm going to try that next year!
Brittany (from Chi-O)

Sam, Kim and E-Z said...

I guess i'll let that gumball we shared at the pageant slide :) seriously though good job