Monday, November 3, 2008


I just thought this was super funny, so I had to post about it...

Saturday night, my dad tells my mom to choose a movie to go to. My mom is browsing through the movies and is thinking probably Secret Life of Bees or Forever Strong - then she's sees a movie that peeks her curiousity...

Fast forward to 6:45 pm - they are in the movie theatre, and the following convo takes place:

Dad: Do you realize we are the only adults in this movie?
Mom: Oh, you're right.
Dad: What is this movie about anyway?

Previews start - they are all cartoon...

Dad to Mom: This better not be a cartoon!

For those of you who know my parents, especially my dad, I am totally busting up that just the two of them went to HSM3! And better yet, they liked it. My mom's quote exactly, "your dad didn't mind it at all!"

Who knew that such a wide range of people would like HSM3, maybe I'll have to check it out myself!


Rachel said...

That is too funny! I love that he was like this better not be a cartoon! LOL!

Jen Petty said...

HSM3 wasn't on my top ten list of movies to see, but maybe we'll have to give it a try...that is, if we ever went to the movies. :) I think the last movie we saw was Ratatouille right before Elia turned 3! That was more than a year ago?! We got to get out more:)

P.S. I'm buying the tickets this week!

Jenny said...

Hilarious! Although the bias part of me thinks they should have seen Forever Strong- no pressure though!

Criscell said...

That IS funny! I can NOT see my parents going to it in a million years. I hear it's pretty good though...

Nicole said...

oh my gosh that is hilarious. the only thing that would have been funnier is if our dads had gone to see it together. unreal.

kalie said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!!

Meg said...

There will be no swaying for me! The damage is done, and I am so excited for tonight! I am happy that you didn't take offense, I was laughing out loud when I read your comment.

Frei Family said...

Okay ill admit-- i REALLY want to see that movie... Rhett thinks i am crazy!! I am too embarrassed to go to the theater... so ill wait til it comes out in video i think!!