Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cute Boy.

I tried to take pictures of Lance the other day and boy was it difficult, this kid won't sit still for one second! Oh well, I complained when he wasn't walking, so I WON'T complain that he keeps himself moving all the time, I love it.

I thought this picture of him looking at himself in the mirror was so cute.


Devin, Naomi and Spencer said...

Lance is Darling! Just like his parents. See you Saturday. So fun!


Melissa said...

He is pretty dang cute!

Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness, he is ADORABLE! What cute pictures! I LOVE that top one - so cute! We need to get together sometime. We should go and have lunch with grandma again or something. Let me know when works for you! See you soon!

Nicole M said...

Wow, he is so cute in that tie!!

Ok, I just got your comment on my blog. I'm freaking out here because I TOTALLY thought I had it all figured out and I read that gossip blog that you told me about, and I'm completely wrong about it all! I can't believe it!! That's a shocker with the whole Bachelor finale. CRAZY.

Jen Petty said...

it was great to see you... even if it was for a short visit... So when are you going to come to Houston!? And remember, Lance is unique and just does things in his own time. What a cutie. I love the background of ties in the first picture.

Sara-Lynn said...

He is so cute!! I can't believe how big he is. Love the tie also.

Scott and Amy said...

oh he is so darling!!! i do LOVE that pic of him looking at him self in the mirror. that is priceless!!

Texas Boy + SLC Girl said...

Man he is growing up Katie! SO CUTE!!! I LOVE these pictures!

Suzi said...

I love it when Ander looks in the mirror too, so cute! Love his little tie!

Sam and Jess said...

Love the mohawk!!

Anonymous said...

what is with the tie ???????