Last month Spence participated in a golf tournament. He ended up winning the longest drive competition and a $50 gift certificate to the pro shop where he got some cool stuff. Ok, so that was pretty cool.
Fast forward a month. Spence is having a birthday, we decide we want to buy a BBQ grill. Spence asks for money from everyone. We keep our eye out for amazing deals. On Saturday we are shopping at Home Depot and are told to wait until Labor Day to get a good deal. Well, we have already waited this long, so what's another month?
Today: Spence plays in a golf tournament up at Jeremy Ranch. He arrives at hole 15, the site of the Longest Drive Competition. Lo and Behold the prize is sitting on the tee box, and what is it? None other, than a BBQ grill! Well, feast your eyes on the pictures below. SPENCE WINS!!! His birthday may not have been the most fun or the most eventful, but baby it made up for it today. Not only did he win a BBQ grill and accompanying grilling accessories, but he also won all of these random gifts, one in particular that he will model below.
Anyway, so I know this post is a bit braggy, but honestly, how cool is that? We are pumped. CONGRATS SPEENIE!!!
One of the random prizes. It is like this fleece/waterproof material that can be a blanket, or you can unzip the hood and the arm holes and it turns into a poncho!
Since these pictures also go along with the night, I wanted to share them. We got together with our friends Devin and Naomi tonight and there adorable son Spencer, which I just realized I didn't even get a picture of him. Bummer, he is so cute. Must be the pregnancy brain. Anyway, Na and I are both preggers. It will be fun to have little kids so close together!
About a year ago, I had mentioned to Naomi that when I had another kid there were two things I wanted. 1. A hooter hider & 2. A video monitor.
Well, leave it to cute Naomi to remember, and she made me this adorable hooter hider. I love it. It will be so fun to nurse in style!
Thanks Naomi and Devin - it was great to see you guys as always.
WoW! Congrats on winning the BBQ! I wish I was good at golf so I could win a bbg grill too.I think that a grill will be our next big expendature.
Oh and who cares if you think you are bragging! (it's your blog which means you get to brag all you want!)
Hey Katie! I'm way jealous of all your guys' winnings in golf. I agree, it is quite a time consuming and expensive sport so I bet your loving the payoff. Shane loves to golf as well, but he doesn't go nearly as much as he'd like to these days. It was funny to read the two things you want for baby #2 because a video camera monitor is the first thing on my list as well (we're not expecting, just in the future). Where are you living now? I'd love to get together sometime!
very cool. way to go, speen! also, i have never heard about those nursing covers being called "hooter hiders". that's hilarious! i'll have to start calling mine that.
Congrats!! I personally encourage husbands to actively participate in all things extracurricular, since (from personal experience) it yields such great bonuses. You have proved it! And the phrase "hooter hider" is hilarious. Thank you for making my day...
That is awesome! I love that you waited and then he won. It all worked out. Darling hooter hider by the way :)
I can't believe it! Spencer is always bringing home the love. He knew he had to win or his golfing days were limited:) I love it! Hooter hiders are the best! I love mine!
Oh my gosh that is so awesome! I know how you feel though, I am such a golf widow. Adam is seriously obsessed and summer is the worst. That's so cool though - I hope you are feeling good! You are so dang cute!
Way to go Spence!! Your on my team next time :)
I love your little belly! You look adorable!
Nice golfing, Spence! Your belly is looking SO cute!
Brag away, that is awesome!! I had no idea Spencer was a good golfer...him and Weston really need to go together! Wes would LOVE a good golf partner and loves to meet new people. Congrats to you guys!!
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