Problem #1: SLEEPING! Of course, as soon as Tallie starts doing 5 hour stretches at night, Lance decides that instead of sleeping in until 8:30/9 as he has done for basically the duration of his life, he is ready to wake up between 6-7 AM! CURSE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS, but I think he should be adjusted by now. Any suggestions to get my kid to sleep in longer in the mornings. It seems like right after I feed Tallie, change her and get her back in bed, right after I fall back asleep Lance is waking up. Yes, that is where Sesame Street and Einstein on repeat have come in handy! But, Lance is so tired in the morning, and I just know he would be happier if he would sleep another couple of hours.
Problem #2: GETTING OUT OF BED! Yes, we had no problem moving him to the big bed - that was until the last couple of days. We put him in bed and he is out of bed saying it is "morning time" or his "nap was good!" Last night he didn't come upstairs after he got out of bed, he went and lounged on the downstairs couch in the pitch black and was just counting and singing his ABC's!
In all honesty, I am about ready to move him back into the crib, cause that would solve problems 1&2 because he doesn't know how to climb out... (yet that is).
Problem #3: JEALOUSY! Whenever Spence is home, he basically hates me. He doesn't want anything to do with me and it breaks my heart. I think it is because I always have Tallie. So, I told Spence, when you are home, you need to be holding Tallie so he sees you with her as well. I totally understand this is a stage, and he will get used to her and used to sharing our attention, but it is hard. He also deliberately does things I tell him not to do, I think just to get a reaction. Any suggestions on how to ease the transition or how long this stage usually lasts?
So, there is a peek into the life of naughty Lance. Any suggestions would be helpful, primarily getting him to sleep in longer. I know majority of kids wake up early, but dang if I can get him to go back to sleeping in, I will be one happy camper.
I still obviously think he is the dang cutest thing in the world, but as he is starting to act out, I just want to respond to it in the best way possible, so any suggestions you have, send them my way!
i moved taylor back into her crib for my sanity. There is no rush and you deserve the sleep, so move him back, i say.
is he happy when he wakes up that early? if he is, just let him chill in his crib a little longer. who says you have to go and get him when he wakes up...well that would mean you put him back in the crib.
I am so so sorry to hear about the naughty Lance, but I think that it is just an adjustment period. They always seem to have a little freak out when the new little one seems to be sticking around. Anyway I hope that it gets better soon. Plus I wanted to tell you his pic are so darling: Who Took them?
Hey Katie, Sorry to hear that he is in terrible 2's. Connor has already hit that phase. With your number 1 problem. That just happened to me too. I was visiting Utah and after day light savings Connor started waking up an hour earlier. He still does. I put him to bed a 6:30 pm and he will sleep until 7 am. Sorry such a long comment, but that is what I had to do. Good luck!
The only suggestion I have is Hang in there babe! and Let Lance not like you for a while it is okay for Him to just want Spencer! He will naturally come back to you but he will bond tons more with Dad at this time and it will help their relationship for a lifetime.
As for sleep Lindi has been waking up at 5:45-6:00 am everyday since Daylight savings and I feel your pain! Try going to bed earlier
Oh I yeah I love the picture with Tallies eyes wide open. and the one with your mom and Lance!
love you and see you in ONE week!
Kates, I'm sorry!! We went through all of this with Rylynn when Carter was born. It is really hard on them because they have all these emotions about the change that they really can't express in a productive way. As far as the sleeping in goes, have you tried covering his windows so there is no light in there? Also I don't know if you already do this but we found that putting a fan in the kid's room is great for white noise that helps them fall asleep as well as drown out other noises in the morning. That is a good idea to have Spence hold Tallie too. The other thing I would say is try to give Lance undivided attention from you like 20 minutes a day. Maybe while Tallie is taking a nap. Just so he feels like he doesn't ALWAYS have to share his time with you with Tallie too. You've probably already thought of all of these things but they worked for us. Hope they help. Most of all just remember that this stage will pass and they will be best friends really soon. It is just really hard going from one to two. Good luck!
My dr told me the other day that I will probably think Eliza is 'naughty' and have to say no about 80 times a day and that it is normal. My fav approach for the bed time is the Super Nanny's--don't talk to the child, just walk them straight back. We did that and then we put a gate up so that Xander couldn't get out. And definitely have special activities for when baby is asleep. Make cookies together or color or's such a hard transition when nap time is no longer Mommy time...but it all works out in the end (I hope!) good luck!
haha! I love it, Lance is a rascal!!!! I have no idea but I would bet Lance will go back to being his old self as soon as he gets adjusted to his new life!
I just read Wendy's comment and really liked that idea!
Oh man! Those pictures of him are so dang least he has his dashing good looks! But I'm so sorry! That's horrible! I have no advice...I'm hoping you'll be able to help me through the second child transition when the time comes. Good luck and hang in there!
Hey Katie, Good Luck keep track of whatever solution works so you can pass it on to me in a few months! I'm sure I'll need all the help I can get.
Lets talk soon.
When you figure out the jealousy let me know. After 7 months, Kameron is still acting out because of it. As for the getting out of bed, we also put a gate up outside his door. It at least keeps him in his room for a while longer! Lars wants to put him back in the crib, but Haylee needs her own room! As for sleeping in, you know I've never had that luxury!! Good luck!!
katie and spencer!! You guys have a such a fun and beautiful family! We love having you in the neighborhood!! Love, The Crowders!
I have absolutely no advise for you. The only thing I have to tell you is that when i was born, Hailey hated me so much she bit my nose (while pretending to kiss me) and also dropped me on the hardwood floor.
And look, we are best of friends now :)
Good luck sweetie!
I think it sounds like your perfect child turned into a normal child. Hate when that happens!! No, it's a tough adjustment, I remember. I felt like it was like 4 months until we were all in sync. I tried to say in front of Jack when I was laying Ella down after feeding her or whatever, "Okay, Ella, it's Jack's turn now." So that he thought that she had to share me too! Good luck! And you and your new little sweetie look amazing! Congrats and enjoy!
Remember in high school, you would wake up and just have to take care of yourself basically. Isn't weird that now you are in charge of these little ones?
Phases pass. Daylight savings is a pain!
You are awesome though!
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