We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at my mom's house.
We went to Temple Square to see the lights. Lance's favorite song is "I love to see the Temple" right now, in fact he asks to listen to the "temple song" several times a day, so it was fun for him to see the Temple!
Lance loves to play the piano. We put little letter stickers on the keys to help teach him. I also was lovin the coordination of his outfit this day since it is pretty rare that he is super matchy!
Here are her 2 month stats:
22 1/2 inches (50%)
10.8 lbs (35%)
Interesting tidbit: Lance was 22 1/2 inches and 10.10 lbs at 2 months, so they were very close!
Last night was our ward Christmas party that we were in charge of. I am very happy with the way everything turned out. This picture does not do the decorations justice, but they really turned out great. We had a sit down dinner with a nice program. Each table had a different set of China or Christmas Plates on it. So fun!
Here is our happy/relieved look after the party was over! Definitely glad to have this done!
And last but not least, Tallie has started smiling a TON this past week. It has been so much fun to get a reaction back from her.