Monday, November 1, 2010

Sporatic Saturday Night!

What do you do on a Saturday night once you've put the Tootles to bed and you are up for something fun?  Call over the Sibs and have a night of fun! 

I'll let the pictures do the talking...

We decided in order to burn some calories those of us not singing had to dance!!! 

Can you guess which song we are rocking out to?  

Fun night - Thanks Abi and Ammon!!!


Devin, Naomi and Spencer said...

Y-M-C-A!!! Awesome Guys. We should do this soon.

Brynn and Jared said...

you guys are out of control!!! What a fun night!


You guys are too much! Always entertaining me..thanks for that!

Abi said...

haha!!! great pics except i don't look so hot. ;)

Lindsay said...

Hey you! I swear I already left a comment on this post...maybe not? Weird. Looks like a fun night though! Hope your family is doing well!!!

Lindsay said...

I can't wait to see you guys on Wednesday either! Yay!