Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easter Festivities

The friday before Easter we dyed Easter eggs.  We left them to dry on the table, and Tallie kept climbing up onto the table grabbing (and smashing) the eggs and yelling "EGGS!" 

Saturday morning we went to Spencer's Aunt Mary's house for a grandkid/great grandkid egg hunt.  I love Speen's uncles.  Everyone brought a million stuffed eggs, and the uncles were hiding fruit by the foots, and the entire back lawn was covered in suckers sticking out of the grass.  The kids were in Heaven! 

This is Aunt Mary reading the kids an Easter book while the eggs were being hidden.  

And let the egg hunt begin!

Lance was obsessed.  All of the other kids had given up, and Lance still wanted to keep searching for more eggs! 

Well, Lance wanted more, and boy did he get it!  On our way home from Aunt Mary's, my brother called to see if the kids wanted to come over to his house for an Easter Egg hunt! 

They found about 20 eggs in the front yard, and I thought that was great, until JT mentioned they had hid eggs in the backyard too!  I swear there were probably 80 or more eggs.  Lance had to dump his basket I think at least 4x! 

Here are the cuties that made it happen! 

Messy Tallie! 

Family pic with the loot! 


Rachel said...

What a fun Easter! Looks like your kids cleaned up:)

Keri Cannon said...

That's a lot of loot! Jonathon's wife is adorable!!!

Lindsay said...

So fun! Love all your pics! We need to get together soon to play!