It's FINALS time around here - YIKES!
Speen is just about finished with his first trimester of business school - only two more to go! He starts his finals tomorrow morning bright and early at 8am. Yeah, on a Saturday. Then he has another one monday, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday! Luckily he finishes at 10am on Thursday, then he is singing the national anthem at graduation on Friday. Random, I know! Gotta love Spence. I am so proud of how well Spencer has done with his transition back into school. He has worked so hard this trimester. Good luck on all of your finals babe!
Lance is just cute as ever! He seriously is the sweetest guy around. He smiles all the time, however, when I take out the camera he goes all straight faced. I don't know if he is scared by it or intrigued by it or what? We are working on smiling for the camera!
He loves to spend time with daddy whenever he gets a chance. He was cuddling with Spence while he was studying for his accounting test last night!
Lance LOVES it when Spence reads stories to him. Kind of a scary shot of Speen's hair. That is what happens when he doesn't wet it down!!!
This is a scene I see a lot of. Lance just loves being with his daddy whenever he can!
I thought Lance looked so cute here. He is even sporting his new NIKE's!
We borrowed my friends BUMBO chair in hopes of it helping Lance strengthen his neck even more as well as learn to sit up. I think he kinda likes it!?!
I've felt like Lance has been a bit bored lately, so we decided to get him an early Christmas gift. We got him this AWESOME rainforest bouncer, and he loves it. His feet barely touch the ground, but enough that he can kind of sway and bounce himself around, it is so cute. He is also learning to play with the toys around him.
And finally... I had to post this picture because I personally think it is ADORABLE. This is what I get to wake up to every morning. I am SO LUCKY! I LOVE this little guy SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!
This is McKay Selph. Hey bud i saw your sight it is sweet. Cute family!!! hope life is good. loved the def leopard touch!!! my sight is if you ever get bored
Such great photos of Lance. Good Luck Spence with finals. I was always so relieved when finals week was over!!
He is so stinking cute! I just want to squeeze him.
Spencer, little did you know that I check up on you guys every few weeks. Natalie that works with me is friends with Katie, so I found your blog through hers. Lance is super cute!
I could never tell who he looks like more, you or Spence until that picture of him in the BUMBO chair. Lance is a mini version of Spence! So stinkin' cute!
Tell Spence good luck with finals!
Kate, he's such a charmer, like his dad perhaps? That little smile is to die for.
Sooo cute Katie. I can't wait to see you guys. Call me anytime when you are bored and Spencer is doing his finals. Good Luck Spence!
katie, he's the cutest baby! I love all teh smiley pictures
I Love all the pics of Lance!!! He is SOOOOOOOOOO cute I miss him and I wish I could come just hang out more. love you tons Kelli
PS Spencer GOOD Luck with all your tests I feel for you.
Good luck on the finals. Lance is a stud, I love the pics.
Eric Sutterfield
Katie! Your little guy is so cute! I see Spencer in him. It looks like you guys are having a great time out there. All your pics make me ready for another boy!
so i thought i'd give you a blast from the past :) hey i haven't talked to you in so long, we need to catch up. plus i'll be in AZ over the holidays but i didn't know if you guys will be around. email me so I can get your number so we can talk!
ps, Lance is adorable
love ya,
You are absolutely right-that picture is adorable, as are the rest! I can't believe how big he looks-crazy how time flies!
We hope you have a very merry christmas and a happy new year!
Katie, he is so cute! i love the pictures of Spence reading to him, it is so precious. Man he is growing up so fast!
He is so cute!!! We used a bumbo too and it was awesome. Stockton loved it... so did i. I wonder what his hair will be like....
I guess spence is done with finals hip hip hooray!
how is lance doing? i hope he is better and you all are feeling healthy... call me if you need me.
You did a great job singing the anthem.
Merry Christmas,
Ty Nilsson
Your little Lance keeps getting cuter and cuter! Fun pics! You have such a cute family!
That picture of Spencer on his laptop with Lance by his side is CLASSIC!! I'm so glad you captured that, you'll always remember those days. Good luck to Spence with finals!
KATIE! What great Pictures!Lance is a babe! It looks like you guys are LOVING AZ! Of course you could always have fun anywhere!
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