According to google...
Average monthly temperature for June in the state of Washington, City of Tacoma: 59.5 degrees
Average monthly temperature for June in the state of Utah, City of Salt Lake: 82 degrees
DE JAVU: I swear it is June 2008. We are living in Tacoma, WA and freezing our booties off every day and running our heat at full blast. Spence is coming home from running in the mornings drenched from head to toe after running 5 miles in 50 degree weather. We are wearing long pants, and hooded sweat shirts every day. Lance doesn't leave the house with out his rain jacket and beanie on...
Beautiful, but BUUUURRRRR!!!!
Yes, this is what we looked like on our evening walks mid-june!
1st family picture we took when we got to tacoma last summer. It was a long, cold June. Luckily July, August, and September more than make up for the june coldness.
Oh wait, I am back to reality, and I am actually in Utah, where is feels like cold Tacoma. The only difference is the average in Tacoma is 59 degrees in June, so it can be expected. The average in Utah is 82 freaking degrees... TEAR, TEAR, TEAR!!! I swear this has been the year of never ending winter and freezingness (especially after having moved here in December from AZ's enjoyable 80 degree winter). And my bitterness even increased once I looked up the 10 day forecast, and yes, what does it show - scattered thunderstorms for the next 10 days! BOO...
"oh mr sun, sun, mr golden sun, PLEASE shine down on me!"
So after complaining to the Hubs yesterday, he oh so kindly reminded me about the talk I am giving in church this coming Sunday which partly focuses on attitude! Oh wait, maybe I should practice what I preach. So in that spirit, I will leave you with a positive comment. I am sure this rain will be wonderful for my garden! ;)
Just think like this... June shower bring July flowers :)
Katie, I feel for you -- I hate all things coldness and winter! Here's hoping the sun shines for you soon!
I loved your post about Adam Lambert! :) Love him!
That is funny. It has been 70's - 90's here and we haven't used the heat yet. It has not rained at all since we have been here. Weird. Daws was just saying it is raining everywhere but Seattle. I am sure we will get our fair share of it in the winter.
Too bad it is in the 80's in Washington! It is beautiful here, you should come to visit:)
You are so funny at least you have a garden we haven't gotten that far yet. The sun will come soon I hope. Parker got all these fun outdoor toys for his b-day and we haven't been able to try one of them
It's been the same here in NY. Everyday it rains and rains. I'm ready for warm weather. I hate being cold and wet.
I am right with you Katie! And, let's definetly plan a zoo date in the next couple weeks!
The weather has been crazy this summer - it's still in the 80's down here! Hopefully once summer finally gets around to showing up it will stick around for a while for you guys!
Way cute pictures...I love that top one with you and Lance! It was so fun to see you guys the other night! We definitely need to do it more often!
ha ha ha katie i love you!!! good luck with your talk on sunday!!
You are too funny! Good attitude at the end . . . but seriously SUN STAY HERE! I love today!
Hey! It's me doing my lame-o quarterly blog visits :). OF COURSE Spencer would find some way to be an extra in a movie. You the crazy life as usual. Well...I hope that sun comes out soon! There's been PLENTY of heat here in Houston...are you guys still thinking you might be able to come!? So my baby is due any week now! So excited! :) Hope to hear from you soon! Later!
Yes, this rain is INSANE! We had a glimpse of sunshine on Friday and it was amazing. Now back to another storm....but hey, perfect weather to DDR-it! Call us!
Hey Spencer's wife. I haven't met you but I know Spencer from Middle/High School. Please tell him "hi" from me. Your family is adorable!
Amber (Decker)Udall
Yeah i know only 3 more weeks!!! i can't wait and only 3 more shots!!! how are those going for you. they totally suck don't they. I didn't get one last week...oops. ha ha i ran out of the med and so i just didn't get it. ha ha. i'm so excited to be almost done. plus i want to hear a baby update from you!! how is that little princess treating you!! how are you feeling?
sorry I took the Utah summer up to Tacoma... but if it's any consolation, I have loved it and I'm outside as much as I can be. Are you liking being back? also, i would love to call you but I'm not sure I have the right # so you'll have to give it to me so we can catch up. Love you!
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