Thursday, April 14, 2011


Here are a few fun pictures of what we have been up to lately!

Had our friends over for dinner and "Michael Jackson Wii!" It was a blast!

Went to a jazz game with the girls, and guess what?  THEY WON!

Loving this kid!  He looked so cute the other day, I had to snap a photo of him.

And of course, Tallie wanted in on the photo shoot, so she started posing on the steps!

Enjoying some nice weather!

Lance completed his first session of gymnastics with Coach Sarah, and had a blast!

My cute sister in law Emily won Student Body President at Bonneville Junior High.  So proud of her, she is such a cutie!

Eating their favorite food: Spaghetti!

Speen has been traveling a ton lately for work, and the last two times he has gotten home, it has been snowing and he has been wearing a golf shirt with NO coat!  You would think he would learn that Spring in Utah is unpredictable.  Silly Boy! 

And finally, I went out to dinner and to a very strange dance concert with my MIL and sister in laws, it was a blast!  Oh, so many funny memories were made that night!  "I wonder if Sam's future wife will be with us next year!"  Oh too fun!

After the dance concert, we decided to be a little rebellious and we went and toilet papered Speen's aunt and uncle.  It was hillarious.  We went into the grocery store to buy toilet paper and we came out and my mother in law had converted her sweater into a nifty hat.   Oh, she was definitely getting into character! 

Not great pictures, but too funny, not to preserve the memory!

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