...Ta Da.... I bought 6 pair of shoes this week. Now the fun part - I paid a grand total of $48! Three of the pairs were from Baker's Outlet $5/each! The other three pairs were from Last Chance, which is Nordstrom's hand me downs more or less. It goes Nordstroms, Nordstroms Rack, and then Last Chance. My mom was in the store for about a grand total of 5 minutes, cause it kind of grossed her out, but I was in there for over an hour "treasure hunting!" I loved it. If you don't mind sorting through a lot of junk, you can find some great buys. My hunting paid off as I came out with a darling pair of purple flats, some Steve Madden Flats, and the black ones with white boys - yeah, I saw them at Nordstrom's yesterday (no joke) for $72, and I got them for $12!

I sure do LOVE bargains!
what a steal! I have never been a shoe person but have always wanted to be. I would rather have clothes over the shoes so I never splurge on shoes...although I always need them. Good shopping.
oh my gosh those steve madden flats are DARLING. i totally want them. congrats on such a fantastic deal!
I hope you bought that sign too! That is the funniest saying. Cute shoes...I got some black and white poka dot shoes recently too and they're my favorite! Not for $5 though (sheesh, that's an awesome deal!).
Impressive! Always fun to get great deals...I have been wanting to go that store. I guess that I really need to now :) Glad that you had fun with your mom. Hey, is your pool heated yet???
Katie- I would have never expected anything less!! I tried to call you and your mom was babysitting while you were at yoga. Call me
Holy cow! I think we need to go there ASAP! I LOVE your shoes, do you remember we looked at those Steve Maddens when they were at the real Nordstrom's!!! How fun to have your mom here ALL week, I am so jealous! When she leaves, give us a call and we can get back to "normal life" and plan our Halloween party!
oh katie. You are lucky.
Sometimes I think those kinds of bargains are just meant to be.
I'm shocked at the price you paid, but moreover, am completely but pleasantly surprised that each shoe you purchased is DARLING with a capital SASSY on the end. Nice find, Katie.
Katie . . . seriously what a great deal! I would blog about that all the time! That many shoes? Way to go!!
Oh...there's nothing like a pair (or more) of new shoes. Nice work on the bargains!
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