Geneology... I am doing it!
While my parents were in town this past week, we decided to learn some more about our ancestors. My Nana had always said that her great grandfather, Charlie Crismon, had come across the plains with Brigham Young, and had then been asked by him to come and settle Mesa, AZ. My Nana had always told us that there was a monument of him in Mesa. We went and saw it yesterday, and it was fantastic! Across the street from the Mesa, AZ temple, there is a bronze life size monument of my great, great, great grandfather Charlie Crismon! How awesome is that. Ironically, the whole sacrament meeting in church yesterday was all about doing family history work! Here is a picture of the man himself - Charlie! My mom thought he looked very handsome! ;)
Here is a picture of the family standing in front of the statue!
Here is a picture of our little fam at the Mesa, AZ temple. What a beautiful temple, it reminded me a little bit of the Hawaii temple.
All of your pics are sooo cute! Sorry to hear about your grandma and Spence's granpa, they sound like they were great people. Fun for your parent's to come visit too, it looks like you guys are really enjoying yourselves. Let me know when you get here for Christmas so we can get together for lunch or something.
We love that temple! We've been there once. Sorry for the loss of your grandparents.
It's always so hard. It's so good to cry it out though!!
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