Friday night we went to Oktoberfest that was put on by the German club. We ate bratwursts and pretzels, played German games, sang songs in German, and really watched several drunk students linking arms swaying back in forth with their beer mugs in their hands singing out German songs. It was hilarious! Literally - Spence and I thought we were back in Germany with our Australian Buddies. It was great.

My favorite part of the night was the open mic. Spence got up and rocked the house to a little "Joy to the World" by Three Dog Night.
Looks like Octoberfest was really fun! Too bad we missed it! I can't see Spence's singing because it is blocked from my work computer...I can't wait to go home and see it!!!!
P.S. Love your hat too!
That is so funny. Spence you are such a great performer!!
Ya for Oktoberfest!!
i LOOOVVVEEEDDD the video clip!! that was awesome. i don't think my husband would have had the guts to get up there. what a man spencer!!! i might need to see some more kareoke though...
good ol' spence and his singing!
That Spence is sooo funny, he is so brave! Looks like fun!
p.s. my # is 801-598-0209
Spencer...too funny. You guys in the Driggs family have no inhibitions, do you? Oh, and Katie...I might borrow that name game for my blog. What a cute idea.
Spencer you are soooo Hilarious!!! I miss you guys so much! Can't wait to see you over Christmas break. We also need to book a trip down to see you guys!! I need to figure out a good time. Love you both...and little Lance too!!
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