To: Leo & Loa

My Nana, Loa Jones, was one of the most amazing individuals I have ever known. I had the privilege of speaking at her funeral, and spoke about the following motto. When I think of my Nana, I think of the motto "work hard, pray hard, and play hard!" She was one of the most service oriented people in the whole world. She always gave of herself for others. She was such a good example to me of how to give of myself and how to better the world for others. She loved the power of prayer and from a young age, instilled in me such a love of communication with our Father in Heaven. She also LOVED to play hard. She was so much fun to be around. Last summer (2006) Spence and I moved out of our apartment and went off to Europe for 6 weeks. My parents thought we were insane to spend that kind of money and not to work, etc, but not Nana, she was all for it... I mean, how could she not be, she passed her travel bug off to me! She understood that a big part of life was creating memories and having fun. She was our biggest ally. I will miss her so much, but am so happy that she has been reunited with my Papa! I am also so grateful that she was able to meet Lance. As she kind of became less coherent at the end, one thing that was always front and center in her mind was Lance - always asking how he was. I wonder if it was because they both were so close to the veil? I love you Nans!

Spencer's grandpa - Leonard Driggs - was also one amazing individual! He had the most beautiful crystal clear blue eyes. Just by looking at him, you could tell he was just exploding of charity and unselfishness! Spence and I are extremely close to his grandparents. Ever since I started dating Spence, we would go over and hang out with them all the time. Ask Lindsay - even living in her basement, instead of hanging out with friends our age, we would want to go over and hang out with Helen & Leonard - play cards until 2 am, Survivor nights every Thursday, and just chatting and being with them - they are such a riot to be with! Leonard was such a kind and gentle man. He was completely unjudgemental, very generous, and always made everyone feel like they were his favorite! We will definitely miss you as well Grandpa Driggs. We love you tons!

i love all of the updates on your blog. i am sorry about all of the losses these last couple of weeks. my grandpa was one of my biggest heroes and i just new that whoever i married would fall in love with him too. we kept putting off a trip to idaho to go visit my grandparents until i heard that my grandpa was really sick and would not make it much longer. i knew that if there was any chance of ryan meeting my amazing grandpa that we needed to get in the car and make the trip. we didn't get there in time and it was one of the hardest things for me. spencer and lance are lucky guys to have gotten to meet and spend time with your grandparents before they passed. cherish the pictures and the memories. I would give anything to have my grandpa weston meet my husband or hold his little grandbaby.
It looks like you had such an amazing time. I love when family comes to visit. Thanks for the Southwest tip.
katie, I remember your nana. we even slept over there one time. i am sorry she's gone. she was always sweet and fun whenever we went over to swim or hang out when your mom went to aerobics.
on a cheerier note, your boy is so cute. you look great and happy. thanks for letting me snoop around your blog.
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