Today was Lance's 4 month mark!!! We celebrated it by going to the doctor's. Lance was so cute and happy the whole time, especially after the doctor (after being notified by me that Lance does not prefer being cold) conducted his entire check up on his fleece blanket! It was so sweet. Everything went superb, that is, until the shots. It was so sad to see Lance scream out in pain. However, thank goodness he has a two second rebound rate, and then it was back to being happy again.
We were so proud of our little guy. He measured in at 13.9 lbs (25%) and 25 inches (50%). He is doing TERRIFIC - especially being a premie. He has gained a whopping 8 lbs and 6 inches since birth! WHAT A GUY!
That is awesome. I just got back from the dr.'s today as well. 6 month check up. Kameron weighed in at 17 lbs 11 oz and 27". Got to love those shots too! Lance is getting so big. A little tanker!
Yay!! Happy 4 month, Lance!!
He is such a charmer, Kate. Geez. Chip off the ol block eh? Its funny that there is so much Thorne and Taggart in him equally. HOnest to pete, I can see both of you guys in him. Very well done.
what a cutie.
I agree with C+K... I can see both you and spenc in LL (little lance). That t-shirt is a hoot!
I'm so glad Lance is doing so well! He's getting so big and is absolutely adorable .... that's impressive he did so well with his shots. We'll have to have a play date for our little ones soon.
I seriously cried when Brandt got shots the first couple appt. It's fun to see their growth!
Love the shirt!
I cannot believe how big he is getting, they grow so fast! That is great that he is doing so well. I hate the shots too, but it is good that they don't last long. He is too cute!
yeah, 4 months! Taylor is approaching 2 months next week and we go in for her first set of shots...so sad. Sounds like Lance was so brave!:)
cute pictures. he is going to pass dane up in the wieght department! i think that you officially have the most blogging friends i have ever seen on anyones blog. congrats on being so popular!!
Happy B-day Lancer!
He has grown SO much since you guys have lived here, I can't believe it! He looks different every time I see him, but always just darling! Will you email me the rose petals picture?
Happy B-day Lancer!
He has grown SO much since you guys have lived here, I can't believe it! He looks different every time I see him, but always just darling! Will you email me the rose petals picture?
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