Here is a picture of Lance and I at our ward party. (note his adorable trick or treat basket he is holding!)

We took Lance to the Thunderkids Halloween party. Lance was our chicken and Spence and I were farmers/cowboys. As you can see, Lance was thrilled about this party!

He was a little happier once he got his binky.

Spence dressed up as an "over-zealous workout instructor" for school. Most of his classmates thought his hair was a wig! They had to pull on it to make sure it was real.

Halloween night we went to $1 bowling - it was a blast.

You guys are a hoot! Love Spence's workout costume. He can totally pull that off. Classic.
Katie Kates,
You guys are soo cute. I Love the little chicken outfit. Lance is such a cutie! Does it seem like he is growing up so fast? It is so sad how they are only tiny for a minute! Love you guys! Rachel
Love the Halloween costumes! Lance looks adorable, even if he didn't like it. Luckily, our ward party was outside, so Parker wasn't too hot in his costume. He was during the day when we went to get pictures though...Happy belated Halloween!
I never saw Lance in his costume! It is darling! You guys look great too! Thanks for swimming today, it was blast!!!
cute cute. Halloween is so awesome I LOVE IT! What a great first holiday for Lance! And seriously Spence your hair!
what fun costumes--you guys are darling!
I love the chicken costume. Lance is adorable.
What a great costume. I think Ethan's lion costume was made more for a Utah... or Alaska Halloween too! I can't believe you guys didn't spread the word about $1 bowling!!! :)
fun to catch up, katie! love the rooster (we've done babystyle costumes both years.. they're the best!) and your family is darling.
Wow I love you guys I'm not so much a great blogger but I sure love looking at yours Every time I get on my computer I check to see if you have new pics. I don't have time to always respond but Trey will sit and look at you guys and get all excited. Spencer you and your hair. I think you could spend as much time in front of a mirror as Lindi. I love how you like to do crazy things with your hair. Lance is looking SOOO big when he was next to that 3 week old it was just like if it were Allie. and they are just 12 weeks you have to just love them tons when they are small because they get so big so fast. I love you guys millions love Kelli
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