An Amazing Prophet
Wow how we loved President Hinckley! He was such an amazing person - how incredible it is that through the power of God and President Hinckley's optimistic personality, millions of people were inspired to become better. We are so grateful for his life - his example, teachings, leadership, humor, and most importantly, his unconditional love. We sure will miss this great man!
I second "Amen"!
He was amazing! His passing has given me time to reflect more on the wonderful role of prophets as mouthpieces of the Lord. How grateful I am that we have one!
Man, what a great man!!! The heavens are definately open today and every day becasue of him! Think of the great things he and Joseph Smith are talking about! Take note of my new blog:
Love, ALicia
I too want to add my testimony that he was our Neiphi...Moses...Adam...Enoch...
for today! how blessed we are to have a Prophet to lead and guide us. I feel like he had been the only Prophet I've really known. I'll miss him greatly.
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