Oh, and to clarify for a quick second - the reason for our jaunt to Egypt/Dubai (since some of you have asked) - is... because Spence goes to an international business school, one of the requirements to graduate is to go on a winterum or a summerum where you go and take classes in a foreign country. Spence chose the Dubai/Egypt Winterum and learned about doing business in the Middle East. They met with several companies in Dubai and Egypt. The rest of the time was spent sightseeing and exploring the countries. I had always wanted to see Egypt, and so I went out and met him there and hung out with the students and even tagged along to their business meetings. It was awesome.
Egypt is a very interesting country... some things that stood out...
1. They don't have any cross walks, stop signs, or street lights. If you want to cross the street you just step out in front of traffic, and we are talking like 5 lane roads. Literally every time you walk, you hope you don't get hit - it really brought a ton of meaning to the song "Walk like an Eygptian."
2. There are metal detectors everywhere you go - the hotel, offices, malls, library, etc.
3. Every car that drove into our hotel had to be sniffed down by a bomb dog.
4. The city is very dirty and polluted, by far the worst anywhere I have ever been.
5. There are armed guards with machine guns every 100 feet - I mean everywhere you look people are carrying around guns.
6. Whenever we went sightseeing we were surrounded by an armed body guard.
7. We were very surprised by how nice everyone was. The people are very genuine and kind. They are very religious and proud of their heritage and culture. We never felt scared or endangered, which was very surprising considering everyone told us before we went over how unsafe it was for Americans. We are very grateful we were protected and safe during our time there.
8. One other amazing thing we were able to do that I don't have any pictures from, because cameras weren't allowed - was the Egyptian Museum. WOW is that a sight to see. It was incredible to see the relics and especially all of the treasures from King Tut's tomb - including the famous gold mask!
9. All in all, it was an incredible experience. I am grateful that we went, however it is one of those places that once is enough.
This is me out on our hotel room balcony in Egypt. Note the Nile in the background.
Seeing the pyramids of Giza, was probably one of the coolest sites we have ever seen.
We had no idea that the camel was going to stand up, it was hillarious!
Great Sphinx.
Overlooking Cairo, Egypt.
Spence said he loved Dubai, however he felt like it was becoming a bit Americanized. It was insane how much growth they have and are building for. Spence also was able to meet with a ton of amazing companies, but still had time to play and see the sights.
Spence in front of the only 7 star hotel in the world. PS - this is where Tiger Woods spent his honeymoon.
One night Spence went out on a four wheeling safari on the sand dunes, camel riding across the Arabian Desert and then onto a dinner with a belly dancer!
WOW!! that's all i can even say.
I've been checking your blog for days, waiting for pics. i'm glad you got back safe. how adventurous and fun. So was he interviewing for jobs there? a school thing? maybe i missed the explanation, but why the trip?
so fun! Glad you were able to do that! I hope things went well for Spencer...cant wait to hear more about it tomorrow!
I loved the pics1 it was fun hearing how it went. Trey loved the camel.
love you!!!!
Sooo glad you are home safe, well, home to Utah safe at least. We are excited for some dart competition when you get back to Sun City. Isn't it so fun when the camel leans way! forward to stand up. Coming down is a trip too. I love the skiing in a mall concept. Why haven't we Americans taken to it??? Call us when you get back!
AWESOME PICTURES you guys! Seriously what fun! I bet that was one of the most amazing trips!
Amazing. That is so awesome that you were able to go and partake of the different cultures and beauties that this world has to offer. And how wonderful that you were able to experience it together. Jordan and I have always been big fans of a week vacation without the kids.
WOW amazing to say the least!! That is really cool and what a great experience. I love your blogs and you are so good at updating. I want to learn all of your cool tricks and links :)
P.s. it was so much fun to see you in Utah and it would be a lot of fun to come and see you guys!
Katie, this is amazing, it looks like you had an amazing time!
we need to get together
I would love to go there! Looks like so much fun. We saw Ski-Dubai in the Warren Miller ski movie and thought it looked so cool! I loved seeing you and Lance over Christmas. He is such a cute little guy! I am sure that you missed him like crazy. Love ya! You will be impressed...I finally updated my blog, but there are no pictures yet.
Oh my goodness!!! How much fun is this vacation?!? You are one lucky girl- I hope all is well for you!
looks like an amazing trip! welcome back!
Looks like you had an amazing time! I'm glad you were able to go, but I'm sure you missed Lance like crazy. Israel was the same with the machine guns--everyone carries them there so eventually you forget it's not normal to see machine guns all the time. Good luck getting back on schedule, I bet it's nice to be back in your own bed!
Wow!!! I am speechless... I loved hearing about everything you two got to do on your trip! I'm so jealous!! I want to travel too! **sigh**...someday...
We missed you guys! I've been subbing for Spencer in primary with Caleb the last three weeks. They have a really cute class of 6-7 year olds. Those two will be great team teachers.
Sounds as exciting as ever! That is awesome that you were able to go - but now I am excited that you are home so we can hang out again! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures!
What a fun trip (and great experience for spenc) I love the first pic of you in front of the nile. When i think of the nile it does not look like that! so funny...i guess i should get with the times! I have heard about the indoor ski place in Dubai. So awesome. I am glad you guys had a safe trip.
So awesome! You guys are having such great adventures. And your baby is still so cute. I bet you missed him. Welcome back to the States!
~ Shannon
What a great opportunity to go on such a fun trip. Looks like you guys had a blast! Sorry I haven't called you back, my life has been CRAZY! But can't wait to talk to you and hear all about it. Love you guys! Wish we could of hung out while you were here.
It looks like you had fun. I want to go on a fun trip. Welcome back to AZ!
WOW...seriously so cool. I have always wanted to go to Egypt. Looks amazing and sounds a bit scary. What a cool experience though.
sooo sooo cool! make sure to put those pictures up on your 'travelling the world' wall. the only thing that i have done that ALMOST compares to a camel ride on the beach in egypt is a camel ride on the beach in australia. i think that yours might be a little bit cooler though... so glad to have you back. let's for sure get together sometime. we started up sonic night again so hope you can meet up with us again.
btw- your comment on dane being big now... he has a bottom tooth breaking through and walks while pushing stuff. it is crazy!
AMAZING! You two are just the world travelers! I am so very jealous! Sounds like a crazy experience that you will never forget!
That is so awesome that you and Spence were able to go to Egypt, how cool! So, you need to update to let us know where he will be working and when? You guys are so adventurous, i love it!! I am glad you had a good holiday too! Lance is too cute!
What great pics! I can't believe how cool the city of Dubai looks, and the indoor ski resort! Crazy! Was it so hard to be away from your little guy? They change so fast. How fun for you guys though!
What an incredible trip! That truly is a once in a lifetime experience-one of the seven wonders of the world crossed off the list!
We're so glad your back and had such a fantastic trip! I can't believe how big Lance is getting compared to just over a month ago. Call me this week and we'll get together.
I am so glad you made it back to az safe and sound and with some great pic's!! it looks like eygpt was so fun!! Rhett and i want to go to dubai so much, so it was fun to see pictures of it!! Welcome back!!
Egypt! Wow, I am jealous. I need every detail. That's on my list of places to go before I die...You two look so great!
It loks like you guys had a blast. I kept watching for an update! I can't wait to see the rest of your pictures. What a trip! Way to go.
Wow, Katie. Rackin up the comments here. I think you win!!
I must say, in a good way, I am jealous! Egypt is on our list of destinations and I am so glad it worked out for you to go and your cute mom for watching Lance. What an experience. Also, am glad you made it out of there alive!!!
Looks INcredible!!!!!!!! Amazing!!
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