Life is great around here. We got back to Arizona after being away for 6 weeks. We had a blast on our travels, but it is nice to be home and back to a schedule. Spence started his second trimester today and so far he is enjoying his classes. I love being able to spend the days with my little pal! Here is a little update about what is going on around here...
My little blue eyes is loving his rice cereal! We go to the doctor for his 6 month appointment on Wednesday so I will fill you in on his stats at that time, and I am sure we will be able to start feeding him a variety of more exciting foods shortly!
As I stated, Lance loves his rice cereals... well apparently, his THUNDER THIGHS do as well!
We love hanging out with our friends the Warner's - not only are they a great couple and tons of fun, but they have a little boy who is a couple of months younger than Lance. They are best buds. Here is Easton and Lance hanging out with their daddies! And yes, Easton did steal all of the hair, I mean can't he share just a tad with Lance!?!
Lance is sucking on everything these days. I think for sure he is teething, so we will see when he pops a tooth! Look, he even thinks that Easton's arm looks yummy!
He is starting to sit up by himself a tiny bit... ok, well maybe only like 3 seconds at a time, but at least he is starting to grasp the concept. Another thing he loves is looking at himself in the mirror, that always bring a smile to his face!
Ok, back to the Warner's... well, we have all decided that we want to get in better shape. So, we came up with a genius plan that we put into action this weekend... it goes something like this... We bought an elliptical for Christmas a couple of years ago... well, we have decided that every time we watch a movie together we will take turns working out on the elliptical - 30 minutes each. We tried it out this weekend to Amazing Grace (which is fantastic by the way if you haven't seen it - not quite a motivating elliptical movie, but good nontheless) - and we each did it for 45 minutes - ok, well we ran out of time, and I so graciously decided to give up my turn but Spence, Kim, and Sam each did 45 minutes - awesome work guys! Next time we have decided to do 30 minutes each!
Here is Kim-bop and I out on a walk in the mountains by our apartments!
We even took a little hike. Here are the guys being a little goofy. Sam thinks Easton is "too sexy for his shirt!" Lance needs those sunglasses on, it was a little bright!
There is the sunglass duo!
Lance loves riding on his daddies shoulders!
We have an exciting weekend coming our way - first off on Saturday, I bought Spence tickets to the FBR golf tournament. Apparently, it is a riot. This tournament brings in the most spectators and I guess it is pretty crazy, because they allow the fans to boo and cheer and act crazy. We'll keep you posted on how that excitement goes down. Also, the SUPERBOWL is in our little city of Glendale this year, so we may see what exciting things are going on. Maye we will even have a star sighting - who knows?
Hey Katie and Spence! Lance is so cute! It looks like you guys are having a lot of fun and your trip to egypt looks amazing. We miss you guys. It was fun seeing you over Christmas.
So fun - I couldn't believe how big Lance is getting when I saw him on Sunday. Let me know next time you and Kim go on a walk ... Tienna loves being out and about.
Kates, he just keeps getting cuter and cuter each day! I love the thunder thighs! carter totally had those too, I am kind of sad that they are almost gone. Six months is such a fun stage! Big Fan of that:)
such a cute little guy... he is lookin so much bigger than the last time i saw him.
Dude, i love the thunder thighs, so cute!! I am so jealous that you get to go hiking and walking outside, i am so sick of the snow here, yuck!! You have such a cute fam!!
Hi Katie! I just happened across your blog. Oh my goodness congratulations on many things....a darling little Lance and Spencer in MBA school. You guys seem to be doing great! Tell Spencer we say hi!
Oh my gosh! I cannot believe how much Lance has changed...what a little stud! Those pictures of him are SO cute with those big eyes. Love it.
Ok so I finally got around to catching up on your blog and reading about our little adventures together. Geeez huh! We love hanging with you guys-seriously! Let's continue with the movie/eliptical marathons and with hikes etc. Were excited to hang tomorrow for the superbowl.
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