We had a lot of good times in May!
Isn't this the best Spring time picture? A warm spring day with good buddies!
I love P's chub!
Sprinklers, Ice cream cones, & friends: Does it get better than that?
We had so many rainbows this May! It was so awesome!
Double Rainbow!
Dont' mind the dandelions!
We eventually got them under control!
Neighborhood get together at our house!
I love cute Paige! I look over and she is bouncing all the kids on the tramp!
Brandon "where's your house key" & little P! The best nursery leader ever!
Our tramp gets lots and lots of use!
P LOVES to climb! She may not walk yet, but she loves to climb!
I wonder how far she would have gotten had I not noticed!
She can't quite make it up to the tramp just yet, but up the ladder!

She's inventive! Learning to open the drawer to get up higher!
Love my little climbing machine!

Play date with my sorority friends!
Oh Tallie!
My parents sure know how to plant the tulips!
Picnics on the tramp!
I had to take a picture because one day I happened to have three friends ask me to help tend their kids, so I just tended them all together! Luckily, they all like movies! :)
Someone is a big fan of berries!
My neighbor made a little pond in her backyard and keeps goldfish and a turtle in it. She lets the kids come over and play!
One of my favorites: The Home Depot kids club every month where the kids can go and build a little project!
Spencer whipped out a little garden box with ease!
This happens to be one of my favorite girls! Mary saw how desperately my car needed a detail and offered to come over and do it herself! Seriously she is amazing! And my car looked incredible too!
My little Sleeping Belle! She loves to wrap herself up in blankets!
Presley.... always wanting a bite!
I started a produce co op out of my carport every friday morning! I get free produce for doing all the work and everyone else gets a big box of fruits and veggies for $16! It has been amazing. It is a lot of work, but I don't mind doing it! It has been fun!
Fun get together at the Smith's! Of course the girls were in Heaven with this sandbox!
Lance loves raspberries and has them picked from our plants the second they bloom!
This is how Spencer tends the kids and does his work at the same time. Work on his laptop outside while he zips up all three kids in the tramp!
One of my favorite young women in my ward, grew up and got her mission call to Argentina!!! Leslie & I got to spend an evening going to the Temple with Emily a week before she left on her mission. It was such a special night. I know she will make an incredible missionary!
And finally I had to post this cause I thought it was so funny. I had no idea Spence took this picture of me until I saw it posted on Instagram. YES, it was an exhausting day! :)
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